Monday, September 22, 2014

UltraSeps v2 T-Shirt Color Separation Software Permanently Unlocked Copy

A user sent me an email earlier telling me it would be a good idea to remove the copy protection from UltraSeps.  He said it would work out to my benefit since I'd probably sell more.

Is this guy kidding me?  If UltraSeps wasn't copy protected, it would take all of a month for the first 10 pages of a Google search to include about 100 links to where it can be downloaded for free.  In fact, there's people on freelance sites actually advertising to pay for someone to crack it.

There's other color separation software which is not copy protected out there, in fact quite a few.  I won't name names however.  You'll never see free downloads for those.  Why????  Because they're not very good....simple as that and nobody is really interested in getting them, even at no cost.

But UltraSeps?  LMAO!  Everyone and their mothers would be foaming at the mouth to get their hands on a cracked copy of this.  The screen printing message boards and Facebook Groups would have links all over the place of where to download it.

So sorry....we'll need to keep the copy protection intact.

If you'd like to use UltraSeps free for the next 15 days, it can be downloaded here:

The trial version is a fully functional copy and is the same as the full purchased version.  The only difference is that it needs to be unlocked for continued use after the trial period has expired.

Thanks to the over 10,000 screen printers, t-shirt artists and color separators that use my software globally.

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